My Projects

Demon Hunter

1 year in the making, Demon Hunter is a Top-Down, Hack and Slash game with souls like elements. Leading a team of 20 including programmers, artists, animators, riggers and 3D modelers. As the acting creative director and game designer we made this game about a father and a daughter trapped in hell fighting demons and trying to find a way out.

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Life and Death

Life and Death was a game jam project with a team of 4 where I programmed and helped designed a procedurally generated level for a 3rd person action strategy game with multiple protagonists. Made using UE5 I integrated materials, made the VFX using UE5's Niagara system, implemented the animation. programmed the random enemy spawning,

Guiding Tales

Designed an animal protagonist in a top down sandbox puzzle game where players would play as a dog for a solo game jam project. Worked with AI NPCs to design interactive AI dummies In UE5


Valente was another game jam project made by a team of 5 including programmers and artists. It was a 2.5 D narrative driven puzzle game inspired by beacon pines. Made In UE5 I helped design core mechanics and made the narrative dialogue system for the game.

Coming Soon...

Level Design :

The Viking Village

The Viking village was a open world sandbox designed by me based off of the game Witcher 3. I took inspiration from "The White Orchard" which is the first map in the Witcher 3 game.

Narrative Design :

Coming Soon...

Sound Design:

Coming Soon...